Dear Aldersgate,

I am grateful to our Lay Leadership at Aldersgate for all of the work that they have done in the past three months to repair and ready the parsonage, to prepare worship every Sunday, and to adapt to all of the changes that we have had. What a blessing it is to be your pastor! A special shout out to David Means for bringing the message to you two weeks in a row during my travels! This weekend, I will be in Anchorage for the Fall Professional Workers retreat on October 7th- 9th.

Please keep our Aurora Light Child Care Ministry in your prayers. Just like all of Juneau and many other communities, the labor crisis has impacted our ability to maintain staffing in a consistent manner. Our lay leadership and volunteer ALCC board are working hard to continue this ministry.

I invite you to serve in our ministries and participate in reading the Scripture and Prayers in worship and serving on our committees to be stewards of the tithes that are offered through your giving. We have an exciting time ahead. If you are new to the church, please mark October 30th on your calendars for our Annual Conference. It is a great way to get acquainted with the ways that the church conducts ministry.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Kristi